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  • Stage Steps – 6 steps


    Provide safe and convenient access to your stage with our Stage Steps. Available in various heights and configurations, these sturdy steps ensure easy entry and exit for performers, speakers, or presenters, enhancing the functionality and accessibility of your stage setup.



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    SKU: 2224

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    How to:


    Absolutely! Someone responsible needs to be able to receive the items upon delivery. We will go over the list with you and make sure that all items are accounted for and have you sign our paperwork agreeing you received all items.

    We strongly prefer not to break down a tent with items still beneath it to ensure those items are not damaged. If asked to do so, we will not be liable for any damage to items left under the tent during breakdown. If we are unable to remove the tent around the items underneath it, we will have to leave and charge our customer for a return trip to retrieve the tent.

    Please rinse food debris off plateware and flatware before return to make the cleaning process easier when it returns.

    The stakes will be between 24”-42” long depending on the size of the tent.

    We can accommodate the smallest event in a 10 x 10 or go as large as a 60 x 230. Larger tents are available as well as structure tents. We can put multiple tents together to make a larger space – call and ask for more information to suit your needs.

    Please return items to the same location and configuration as when we dropped them off. For tables, the legs are folded and multiple tables stacked together. For chairs, please have them folded and stacked.

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